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Sunday, May 5, 2013

Homeward Bound. (since april 6)...

Welp.... I got about a week and a half left. What will I do when I get home? I gots a couplah projects.

I had this idea in my head about documenting my family. A project for filmaking and audio work as well as a way to know more about them. It could turn out to be a summer project or something that I'd continue for some time. However, the project is still an idea with no real direction. I will try to work on that until then. Family and friends, be ready to answer some questions heheh...

Possibly do some short films with what remains of my hometown buddies. Combine that with some composition work for practice.

I have my senior recital coming up next spring. Of which will be an hours worth of music to learn and have ready by then. My repertoire assigned has become rather difficult so, to avoid the perils experienced this semester with only 30 minutes of material, I will need to gain the upper hand this summer. But, I am also rather excited about it. I will be working my way up to an entire Bach suite, BWV 1006a. A violin partita arranged for Lute. The prelude of this suite was actually THE piece that got me into this whole classical guitar thing. It will be an interesting way to complete my studies. The Gran Jota Aragonesa by Tarrega is a long, crazy ass piece that I embarrassingly just discovered. There's a interesting guitar effect used near the end which mimics the sound of a snare drum that im really looking forward to getting to. The last of my assigned rep is the Vivaldi Guitar Concerto in D major. This is supposed to be for a competition for Fall but, I don't really want to compete. It's a piece for small orchestra and it's not very flashy. I would enjoy it better if it were for my Recital.

I had some interesting rep this semester that I would definitely like to record. My family has recordings of my Junior recital but I feel that I could do a better job with it. I plan on buying a stereo pair of AKG c414's or the cheaper option Neumann's I've been looking at. Those would cost me some dough but if you're recording instruments, especially a classical guitar, your mics gotta kick ass.  However, there is a small problem... Wacom has just released their new models for the Cintiq pen displays and the 13hd looks quite tasty. I've been really into the Cintiq ever since I tried it wayy back at Comic-con ('11?) and have always been back and fourth about buying one.

If I had one of these babies....
...It wouldn't have taken a fuzzillion hours to draw this, ink and scan. It could have been in color too.

I wanted to do some gigs as well. I got a good amount of repertoire under my belt and could actually see myself doing things with it. I had some gigs out in Arcata and got some good responses. Even got a 5 dolla tip in a total 9...ooo... last Thursday.

 I've noticed that Jeepney Grill back in Cerritos has live music and Filipinos. Filipinos like Filipino music and Filipino music I do have.
Filipino + Filipino Music + Filipino Food = Yes.

Staying on top of my studies should be a good idea, considering how much I suck at it. Sight reading and intelligent playing and pratice is at the top of the list. Then, it's get Phaat. Eat. Eat what i've been missing and losing sleep over. Albertacos, BBQ, greasy stuff.

I already know that there is a small chance that I will actually do these things but, I can dream. Can't I?

I am getting closer to opening a soundcloud account for my recordings and compositions. I will upload those when that happens. Until then, nada.

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