r/c dis

Wednesday, May 22, 2013


Well empty audience, I'm back home and feeling pretty good. Anxiety levels are at an all time low and I haven't touched a guitar assignment in a little over a week. I think I'm just about ready to get back to work...maybe...

At the ol'set up coloring a Squalodon (an ancient dolphin whale of some kind... I'm no paleontologist) for my brother, listening to music at the volume you should listen at, and finally catalogging my artwork.
                                                                     The Ol' Set up

                                                       Where I work.... Sometimes...

I just purchased my kick ass mics and they should be here by saturday. Then its playtime. Out of nowhere, I also bought the new Moog Sub Phatty. Sadly it's on backorder till june but, I'm pretty damn exited. It's Moog's new analog synth that features a sub Oscillator in addition to 2 Osc's. Basically 2 oscillators and a quarter. An enormous sound generator with the notorious Moog sound. I love toys.

Here's a few sketches from this year.

                                           Spider-man and my love for extreme perspective

                           Character Design for a story I'm thinking up. Alien anatomy is fun.

                                                        Me during finals week haha

                             A random fight scene, possibly done after watching Ghost in the Shell.

          A mythical creature of the Philippines called Kapre. Another character concept for a story.



                A movement study. Frank Quitely (a favorite artist of mine) does this quite well

And finally, An android playing a violin. A Laser Violin. Nude. Haha
Well that's it for now. Time to meet up with the Goonies. Audio coming soon. Promise. 

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