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Friday, October 4, 2013

Been a while...

Yo! Empty audience, been a while. So, instead of study for a Forestry exam, I decided to post some recent work of mine. I think I am becoming better and better at drawing animals. It helps that my brother is a paleontologist and that he gives me projects to hone my skills. I am also somewhat commissioned to draw a whale poster for the lab he works for.

I'm somewhat happy with the lemur. I need some more practice with hyper-realism and anatomy. Coloring could have been better as well. 

The next few are digital "pencils" (thanks to my awesome cintiq: Cintiq companion hybrid is out! but, more on that later). These will be colored sometime soon.

(a hippo-rhino thing according to my brother. The hands look humanoid...eh..)

Boa of some kind
(things with scales are tiresome so, I didn't really put much effort into this one honestly)

(I was happy with this one. I like using perspective. Plus, it was the first one of the set I drew. Those are usually the best sketches)

(some of these are a bit "cartoonie" I wanted a good action pose. I also find it hard to make haired mammals look realistic. Something in need to practice)

(this one looks a bit strange to me, I wasn't able to get the look I was going for)

This semesters pretty busy, but for once I don't feel stressed at all. Tired, but not stressed. I might have gotten used to the workload..... And I might have just jinxed myself. But, I doing pretty okay at the moment. B+ on a music history test, of which I thought I would do so much worse. Senior recital repertoire somewhat on schedule and it's only rained 3-4 days so far. Good start for the year.